This graphic or sign was taken in California on Hollywood Blvd. This was not a logo that was on top of a store or anything. This is a logo of a company that has a store, and it was located on the front window before you walk in. First, you cannot read it, you have no idea what it says or what company it is. The text is in a crazy graphic old-style typeface that it is literally illegible. It looks more of a medieval typeface that is just not readable especially in all caps which the logo is in. Underneath the logo looks like initials or two letters together in some way. Even though these two letters are much bigger in size then the other text in the banner, you still cannot tell what letters they are. The logo does stand out though with the text being in white and the graphic in the middle being filled in with white and it being very large. Overall, I do not know what this store represent or sells. You can tell that the stuff they sell might have strong graphics on it so it can be a clothing store but at the same time it can be a tattoo parlor too. If you have many possibilities for one logo, then you know it is not successful.
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